If you are a Teacher, Parent, Entrant, Adjudicator, Accompanist or Volunteer,
you've come to the right place. All the help you need is on this site. Click on the page you need help with below or in the menu on the left.
# [[Your Profile]]
- [[Teachers and Group Leaders Profiles|For Teachers or Group Leaders]]
- [[Parents and Guardians Profiles|For Parents/Guardians]]
- [[Individual Performers Profiles|For Individual Performers]]
- [[Group Performers Profiles|For Group Performers (Chamber Ensembles, Bands, Choirs, Dance Groups, etc.)]]
- [[Accompanists Profiles|For Accompanists]]
- [[Adjudicators Profiles|For Adjudicators]]
- [[Festival Administrators Profiles|For Festival Administrators]]
- [[Volunteer Profiles|For Volunteers]]
- [[Linked Festival Profiles|Exporting your Profile from a Different Festival]]
# [[Entering your Registrations]]
- [[MusicFestivalSuite/Festival Users Manual/Entering Your Registrations/See the Syllabus|See the Syllabus]]
- [[Step-By-Step Registering]]
- [[Teachers and Group Leaders Entering Registrations]]
- [[Parents and Guardians Entering Registrations]]
- [[Individual and Group Entrants Entering Registrations]]
- [[Attaching Accompanists to Registrations]]
- [[Entering Duets, Trios, and Small Ensembles of Individuals]]
# [[Paying Registration Fees]]
# [[Getting Help]]
# [[Schedules]]
# [[Other Features]]
- [[Your Profile#Changing your Username, Email Address or Password|Changing your Username, Email, Password or other Profile Details]]
- [[Your Profile#Unsubscribing or Deactivating My Profile|Unsubscribing and Deactivating Your Profile]]
- [[Photographic and Identity Consent, Release and Waiver Forms]]
- [[Festival Emails|Reading Emails from Your Festival]]
- [[MusicFestivalSuite and Privacy]]