Your Profile is how you not only enter your Registrations with your Festival, but also how you interact with others who are connected to you. Parents/Guardians can manage their childrens' Registrations, Teachers/Group Leaders can manage their students' and groups' Registrations, Adjudicators can view the Registrations they'll be marking, Accompanists can view the Registrations they are accompanying, and everyone can see their Schedule when the Festival posts it.
Your Profile also hosts your Personal Information as used by your Festival. Therefore, we at MusicFestivalSuite work very hard to protect that Personal Information. Our strict adherence to privacy legislation both Provincially and Federally is one big reason why your Festival chose to work with us.
These Help documents aim to help you not only Create Your Profile, but also keep it up-to-date so that your Festival Volunteers can focus on what they really want to do; make an incredible music educational experience for your music community.
# In This Article
- [[#What You Need For Your Profile]]
- [[#Creating Your Profile]]
- [[#Forgotten Passwords]]
- [[#Changing your Username, Email Address or Password]]
- [[#Adding or Removing a Teacher/Group Leader or Parent/Guardian to a Profile]]
- [[#But I don't have a Teacher, I'm Self-Taught]]
- [[#Some of the students connected to me are no longer my students, how do I remove them?]]
- [[#Unsubscribing or Deactivating My Profile]]
- [[#Frequently Asked Questions about Profiles]]
## Other Information
- [[Photographic and Identity Consent, Release and Waiver Forms]]
- [[Entering Your Registrations]]
- [[Paying Registration Fees]]
# What You Need For Your Profile
Every Profile needs the following;
- a unique Username nobody else in your Festival uses
- a valid email address
- a secure password that doesn't match anyone else with the same email address
- a phone number (either home, mobile, or work)
- a mailing address
- agreement to the terms and conditions of making a Profile
- completion of the [[Photographic and Identity Consent, Release and Waiver Forms|Photographic and Identity Consent, Release and Waiver form]] (read about the [[MusicFestivalSuite and Privacy|MusicFestivalSuite Privacy Policy]] for more information)
## Performers' Profile Requirements
- All Performers must be linked to a Teacher/Group Leader Profile
- Usually the [[Teachers and Group Leaders Profiles#Creating Your Groups|Teacher creates the Profile for the Group]].
- Teachers cannot create Profiles for their students, but they can make the process easier by [[Teachers and Group Leaders Profiles#Sending Invitations|Sending an Invitation to their students' Parents/Guardians]].
- If a Performer over the age of majority doesn't have a regular Teacher, they can identify themselves as [[Individual Performers Profiles#Self-Taught Performers|"Self-Taught"]] when they make their Profile.
- Individual Performers under the age of majority must be linked to a Parent/Guardian Profile.
- Usually the [[Parents and Guardians Profiles#Creating Your Children's Profiles|Parent/Guardian creates the Profile for their children]].
- Parents/Guardians provide/withhold consent for their minor children to participate in the Festival, and also have the authority to provide/withhold [[Photographic and Identity Consent, Release and Waiver Forms|Photographic and Identity Consent, Release and Waiver]].
# Creating Your Profile
- [[Teachers and Group Leaders Profiles|For Teachers or Group Leaders]]
- [[Parents and Guardians Profiles|For Parents/Guardians]]
- [[Individual Performers Profiles|For Individual Performers]]
- [[Group Performers Profiles|For Group Performers (Chamber Ensembles, Bands, Choirs, Dance Groups, etc.)]]
- [[Accompanists Profiles|For Accompanists]]
- [[Adjudicators Profiles|For Adjudicators]]
- [[Festival Administrators Profiles|For Festival Administrators]]
- [[Volunteer Profiles|For Volunteers]]
- [[Linked Festival Profiles|Exporting your Profile from a Different Festival]]
# Forgotten Passwords
Forgotten Passwords happen. Recovering them should be simple, but secure. With regards to security, no person, whether at MusicFestivalSuite or with your local Festival, has access to your password, so there is only one way to recover it. Here's how to do it in MusicFestivalSuite;
1. On the Login Screen for your Festival, choose *Forgot Password?*
2. You can either
- Enter your Username, and complete the CAPTCHA puzzle, or
- Enter you Email Address, First Name and Family Name *exactly as it appears in your Profile* (case matters).
3. Choose to either Send a 2-Factor Authentication Code to your Cellphone or your Email Address.
4. Enter the 2-factor Authentication Code once you receive it, then change your Password.
- Remember, your Password must be unique from anyone else who shares your email address.
Congratulations, you have now received access to your Profile!
# Changing your Username, Email Address or Password
At any time you can change your Username, Email Address or Password. There are two ways you can do it;
- Use one of the buttons at the top of your Profile
- Use the Profile Menu which is represented by your Initial in a Circle
- On a computer, your Initial appears in the top-right corner of the screen.
- On a mobile device, your Initial appears in the bottom-right corner of your screen.
Your Username, Email Address and Password must still meet the uniqueness criteria to make sure your Profile doesn't get confused with someone else's.
- If your Username is already taken by someone else, you'll need to choose a different one.
- If someone else also has a Profile that uses your Email Address, your passwords cannot match.
# Adding or Removing a Teacher/Group Leader or Parent/Guardian to a Profile
A Performer is not limited to being attached to a single Teacher/Group Leader or Parent/Guardian. You can Add a Teacher/Group Leader or Parent/Guardian as you wish, but you must always meet the [[#Performers' Profile Requirements]] listed above.
It is important to note that ...
- The only people who can Edit an Individual Performer's Profile is the individual themselves, or any attached Parent/Guardian.
- The only people who can Edit a Group Performer's Profile is someone logged in as the group itself, or any attached Teacher/Group Leader.
You can add a Teacher or Parent/Guardian to a Performer's Profile one of two ways;
1. Logging in as that Performer, and choosing the *Edit My Profile* button, or
2. Clicking on the *Linked Children* or *Linked Groups* dropdown list on the left panel on a computer screen (or by scrolling down to find those lists on a mobile device), choosing the Performer Profile, and choose the *Edit Profile* option for that Performer.
Once viewing the *Edit Profile* form, at the bottom you will find a spot to Add a Parent/Guardian Profile and/or a Teacher/Group Leader Profile to the selected performer by using that adult's Username. Additionally you will see options to remove Parent/Guardian Profiles and/or Teacher/Group Leader Profiles if you have more than one of either.
## But I don't have a Teacher, I'm Self-Taught
If you are Self-Taught, the best procedure forward depends upon your age.
- If you are of the age of majority, you can make yourself your own Teacher. To do so, use the *Edit My Profile* feature to first add the *Teacher/Group Leader* role to your Profile and save it. Then return to the *Edit My Profile* feature to Add yourself as your own Teacher using your own Username.
- If you are under the age of majority, it is recommended that a Parent/Guardian take on that Teacher role. To do so, the Parent/Guardian should use the *Edit My Profile* feature to change their own Profile to include the *Teacher/Group Leader* role. Once they save it, the Performer's Profile can then be edited to add that Parent/Guardian as the Teacher/Group Leader for that performer.
## Some of the students connected to me are no longer my students, how do I remove them?
If you have a Teacher/Group Leader Profile with some students who are no longer actively your students, you can remove them from your Profile. Removing them from your Profile does not in turn remove you from theirs, as their registration history will still have you connected. But it will clean up your own Profile.
To do so, use the *Edit My Profile* feature, and scroll to the bottom of the form. Here you'll find a list of all your students with a button beside each that allows you to *Detach* the student from your Profile.
***Caution:** If you Detach a Student or Group from your Profile, you can only reattach them with support from MusicFestivalSuite staff. In such a situation, we recommend you open a new [[Getting Help|Support Request]] to reconnect your Profiles.
# Unsubscribing or Deactivating My Profile
Most people seeking to unsubscribe are seeking to be removed from any mailing list the Festival uses. MusicFestivalSuite does not send mass emails to participants unless the Festival Organizers themselves generate the email. However, unsubscribing and Deactivating Your Profile are synonymous in MusicFestivalSuite.
When you Deactivate Your Profile, not only do you stop receiving email communications from your Festival, but you also cannot register in the Festival, nor can you participate in the Festival in any other way. Your data remains securely in our system, however, as it is linked to other Active Profiles and historical registration information.
Unsubscribing and Deactivating Your Profile may not stop you from receiving emails if you share an email address with someone else.
You can Reactivate Your Profile at any time by logging back into your Profile and choosing the Reactivate Profile option.
**To Unsubscribe or Deactivate Your Profile**, choose the *Deactivate Profile* button in the top of your Profile, or find the *Deactivate Profile* option in your Profile Menu represented by your Initial in a Circle. On a computer, you'll find your Initial in the top-right corner, and on a mobile device it will appear in the bottom-right corner.
# Frequently Asked Questions about Profiles
## Do I need a different Profile as a Teacher than my Profile as an Accompanist?
No. You can use the same Profile for every role you carry with the Festival. Simply Edit your Profile and check off the roles you carry.
You cannot remove a role once you've been linked to someone else or to a Registration.
## Why do you ask for my pronouns?
MusicFestivalSuite and Festival Volunteers want to treat you with the utmost respect and honour your pronouns. Many given names make it difficult to determine which pronouns are appropriate, so sometimes it's simply better to ask.
However you are not required to provide your pronouns. If you do not provide your pronouns, MusicFestivalSuite will simply revert to a professional "they/them/their" pronoun set.
## Why do you ask for my First Nations/Métis/Inuit or New Canadian status?
Many Festivals are volunteer-run organizations that rely on grants and bursaries from outside financial sources. They have requested that MusicFestivalSuite collect this information that they use to augment their statistics when reporting to these organizations and aiding them in sourcing those grants and bursaries.
You are not required to identify yourself as First Nations, Métis, Inuit or New Canadian in order to participate. Doing so is your own choice.
## How does MusicFestivalSuite use my personal information?
The best way to learn that is to read our [[MusicFestivalSuite and Privacy|Privacy Policy]].